Risk Protection is Essential

It is not an optional. You probably have insurance for your home, car and other assets (like your mobile phone).

However in our busy lives we often overlook personal insurance – and this brings the risk that you or your family could struggle financially if the unexpected occurred.


It can all change in the blink of an eye

It’s easy to assume ‘it’ll never happen to me’ but none of us are immune from illness or injury, and the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to enjoy can quickly be replaced by financial struggle. It makes personal insurance an essential part of your wealth creation plan.

I’m too young/healthy to consider it

The earlier in life you take out cover, the more competitive the premiums. Your health will impact whether your cover is approved and the cost, so it’s better to take out cover when you’re healthy!

I’m single/I don’t have dependents

You may not have people depending on you, but do you really want to leave a legacy of debt for your family to deal with? And unless you don’t mind couch surfing, it’s wise to have a financial safety net in case you find yourself unable to work.

I have private health insurance

There’s the cost of initial treatment then rehabilitation. Some of these might be covered by private health insurance and Medicare, but there are limits and exclusions. You are likely to need serious cash to cover the gaps which could be exceeded quickly if you suffer a serious injury or illness.

Protect yourself from unexpected occured

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Spark Advisors Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 34 122 486 935 | AFSL No. 380552
Level 14, 300 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
360 Degree Wealth Services  Pty Ltd  ABN 40 129 205 027
Corporate Authorised Representative No. 396 574
Suite 28, 50-56 Sanders Street, Upper Mount Gravatt QLD 4122